5 Rules for Living


At 48 years old I hope I have many more life lessons to learn — which is really what these are, lessons not rules. But I’ve collected them over the years in my head, mostly quotes I’ve heard that really stuck combined meshed up with a few thoughts of mine. #5 some completely unknown person to me wrote on a chalkboard in my high school when I was a sophomore in 1988. I never forgot it.

Rule #1. You are in charge of your life. This life of yours is 100% your responsibility.

Rule #2. Always grow. Always learn. But you be you and let the world adjust.

Rule #3. Be Kind. Everyone you meet is fighting their own hard battle.

Rule #4. Lost time can never be found. Make it count — for we only pass this way once.

Rule #5. Choose a God you trust, live a life you love, and don’t take it all too seriously.


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